
Funeral Celebrant

What a wonderful gift you have within yourself in bringing comfort at such a sad difficult time. You were the perfect final piece of Mum’s puzzle and sent her on her journey to ‘shine over us’ in the most heartfelt of ways.’ FL

‘We have been enlisting the services of many Celebrants over the years but we have to say that we have not experienced this level of total dedication and professionalism that you have provided us for my mother’s farewell. Your attention of details and sensitive empathy have made myself and my family felt totally supported to the very finest point. While we prefer not to enlist your expertise on any frequent basis, we will totally recommend you dedicated service to others in similar situations. You will always be thanked as we remember yesterday’s occasion.’ HG

‘Thank you very much for making this memorial service so special.’ SR

‘You helped us to create a an outline together Dad’s life and were very in tune with who he was as a person.’ JK

‘We loved how you created a very fitting story out of his name. He would have done something like that himself.’ AW

Many people came up to us after the ceremony commenting on how remarkable you were.’ SH

‘Thank you so much for a beautiful and truly remarkable service today. I had several people comment it was the best memorial they had ever been to and one said “David had just the correct tone for every moment”.’ FS

So many people thought you had met Dad’. KG

‘The family sang your praises as high as I have ever heard praises sung! You are doing a grand job’ RW

You pieced together all our words perfectly and combined with the music, it didn’t feel downbeat – just what we wanted’. MR

‘David’s humility and approach (when we were planning) was truly exceptional’. PW

Thank you for a unique and fitting tribute for Mum’ MG

’​Thank you David for your part in facilitating ​the celebration of her life. Your smile and the quiet pauses you allowed were a key part​’ AM

Training and Consultancy

Thank you ever so much for the wonderful training session, I can honestly say that I have never had such positive feedback from colleagues where they found a training session so informative, engaging and fun –  and this was all down to you David.

‘You really made us feel at ease which allowed us to open up without feeling like we would be judged, say something wrong or silly.’

Your persona, your manner, knowledge and skills are commendable. The training was delivered with perfect execution‘. SP

‘Very relaxed and enjoyable – learned loads’ GK

Bereavement Support

I cannot think of a more suitable person to their profession” WS
“You have been thoughtful, and generous with your time” GS
With your help, kindness and dignity, you helped us to get through” PD
“Thank you for making such a difficult time bearable” CD
David had such a wonderful listening ear and completely understood every word I said” CM
“Thank you for understanding my grief” FL

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